How to Advocate for Your Child When They Have Eczema
When my son was diagnosed with eczema and later faced the challenges of Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW), I found myself thrust into an unfamiliar and overwhelming world. Like many parents,...
When my son was diagnosed with eczema and later faced the challenges of Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW), I found myself thrust into an unfamiliar and overwhelming world. Like many parents,...
Previously, I always reached for the quickest fix for any ailment—fever, cold, or eczema meant a trip to the medicine cabinet. I was essentially just slapping band-aids on deeper issues,...
Lamentablemente, estos mitos sobre el eczema provienen de los propios médicos de mi hijo, en quienes confiábamos. Hay una actitud muy cerrada respecto a esta condición. Quiero que sepan que...
Una de las cosas que hice para aprender sobre el eczema fue investigar las experiencias de muchas personas. Me interesaba cómo habían aliviado sus pieles y encontré un patrón. Muchos...
Nadie que no haya pasado por el eczema puede entender al 100% cómo es tener esta condición de la piel. Muchas personas minimizan los síntomas o creen que es una...
It is interesting how many people who have eczema or who are caring for someone with eczema do not know that eczema is a type of chronic inflammation.When we talk...
When I started using topical steroids to treat my son's eczema no one warned me of the consequences. The doctor prescribed steroids as if they were candy.For me topical steroids...
La dermatitis atópica es uno de los siete tipos de eczema y aunque esta afección suele asociarse a los niños pequeños. La Academia Americana de Dermatología (AAD) ha compartido datos...
One of the most frustrating and stressful things for me at the beginning of my son's eczema were the doctor's appointments. Not because I didn't like them, but because of...
Although it has not yet been determined what exactly causes eczema, possible causes and how to address each have been discovered through the years. One of those causes is candida....
Sabes que el estrés está afectando tu piel, pero ver los brotes, el enrojecimiento, la descamación y la sequedad en tu piel te estresa aún más. Parece un ciclo interminable......
3 years ago when my son John was diagnosed with eczema, I had never even heard of this skin condition, it was completely unknown and new to me.In my family...
One of the most complicated things about dealing with eczema is knowing what triggers it. When I started treating my son's eczema I wanted to find a list that would...
¿Tienes ampollas llenas de líquido en las manos que te pican y han empezado a ponerse rojas? ¡Puede que padezcas eccema dishidrótico! 😥El eczema es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica de...
Cuando a mi hijo le diagnosticaron eczema, concretamente dermatitis atópica mi primera pregunta fue "¿se puede curar?" esperando que el médico me contestara "sí, se puede curar" pero la historia...
There are many actions we unconsciously take that can severely harm eczema-prone skin, and one of these actions is using cleaning products that are harmful to our health.Most of the...