One of the most important learnings for me in treating my son's eczema was the impact that food have on his skin's recovery. When I understood that internal health is reflected in the health of the skin everything started to improve.
That's why I want to share with you some of my knowledge on food and eczema, because I know it will completely change the health of your or your little one's skin 🥰.
The first thing you should know is that there are food allergies and food sensitivities, they are not the same.
It is common that people with eczema have food allergies and that these cause and worsen flares, to find out if you or your child have food allergies you can go to a specialist, in this case an allergist to make a diagnosis.
On the other hand, there is food sensitivity, in this case you are not allergic but every time you eat that food your skin suddenly starts to itch and flare. To know what food you are sensitive, you need to observe how your body reacts to that food (you will need time and patience for this).
Some of the most common foods that cause eczema flares are dairy, eggs, nuts, soy, wheat, shellfish and foods high in histamine.
It's important for you to know that these common eczema triggers don't affect everyone, but when I started changing my son's diet I let myself be guided by the most common trigger foods and temporarily eliminated them from his diet. Let's just say that's a good starting point.
So, if diet is so important in relieving eczema, you may be wondering..... What foods should you include in your diet to improve the health of your skin?
Here are some superfoods:
Foods rich in omega-3🎣
💛 Flaxseed
💛 Mackerel
💛 Soybeans
💛 Sardines
💛 Salmon
💛 Chia seeds
💛 Tuna
💛 Herring
Anti-inflammatory vegetables and fruits 🍐
💛Red fruits
Foods rich in probiotics 🍜
💛 Miso soup
💛 Kefir
💛 Yogurt
💛 Kimchi
💛 Kombucha
💛 Natto
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